
I pray that in some way by reading this you are....INSPIRED! I also pray that you DO something with that inspiration.... One of my favorite stories in the bible is about the parable of the 3 talents (Matthew 25) - we have all been given gifts, yet, do we use them?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Don't Underestimate the Lord

Yes, it's been awhile! The "blogging" world is great to be a part of, but in the busyness of life it tends to be put on the back burner. I have been meaning to write, and it seems, I now have what needs to be said! Bear with me, it's a long one :)

This past weekend was (if to be summed up into one word) "AMAZING"! We were blessed with possibly the once in a lifetime opportunity; to meet and for Larry to perform with Betty Lynn (Thelma Lou), and Maggie Peterson (Charlene Darling) - both from the Andy Griffith show. They were to say the least, sweet, humble, and just great ladies to be around. We had a "meet and greet" time with them the night before the performance where we got the privelege of having dinner and visiting some "one on one" with them. I personally got the opportunity to sit and chat with Betty Lynn for about 30 uninterrupted minutes. It was a blast, I laughed and just marveled at the opportunity to hear personal life stories from her 85 years on this earth. She has a lot to share! I snapped a shot of Miss Maggie putting a puzzle together with the girls during that time - what treasured memories! Saturday's performance was a blast and again, precious memories made with both of them as well as the opportunity to be in concert with Janet Paschal. A truly great time!

This was to be followed by a bump in the road as we traveled 5 1/2 hours up the road to PA for Sunday morning's service. All to find out at a little past midnight upon arrival that Larry's Barney Fife costume and all of my dress clothes were left behind! This makes one for the books as I went to the service in travel clothes and Larry did his Barney routine in a sweater and dress slacks! Thank the Lord for a very gracious Pastor and church! They were so understanding and we really enjoyed our time there as well. (By the way, the place we stayed is overnighting our things left behind!)

On the road towards home we made a stop to visit with Larry's Grandpa Robinson - we had a great visit as usual when we get to see him. Larry and Grandpa cut up and always have enjoyed visiting, and of course Grandpa couldn't do without the girls lovins! After a couple hours we decided to get on the road to make our long 16 hour trek to Missouri. We stopped, got gas and dinner, then another stop for ice cream (Larry promised the girls :)) and then back on the road heading to our final destination. What occurred just after this is just so humbling for me.

The Lord's timing is just so amazing! We had only been back on the interstate a little while (long enough for me to finish my double dipped cone) when we came upon an accident that had JUST taken place. We saw a car in front of us pull over, and just as we were passing the vehicle, noticed a man standing holding his head and bleeding profusly! I told Larry I had a bunch of napkins (which, when we stopped to get dinner had just grabbed a really big handful - for sure the Lord!) that we could give them. There were 3 other men around the car and it was obviously totalled. As Larry was pulling off to the right (the accident toward the median), I jumped out and started running before Larry had even stopped the van. I had an urgency I don't normally feel when we see accidents. This could be because we are normally passing them long after help has arrived and even though I always pray for all involved, I don't feel the need to stop as to be in the way or a "spectator". When I came up to the man and a couple ladies that had stopped just before us, I handed him the napkins. He was bleeding so badly. I was stunned. It was pandemonium, people stopping, blood, panic, etc. I heard one lady say she was a nurse and was trying to tell the injured man to stay where he was and sit, but he only spoke spanish - I immediately said in spanish for him to sit down. I was speaking before I realized what I was saying. I ran to the van to have Larry empty one of our tubs we use for traveling to give the other men something to put their things in that were scattered across the road and the median. They were a muscial group and had just come from a performance. Instruments in the back all crumpled and their outfits all dirtied from the crash. A couple other people were stopping cars asking for ice, and I asked a couple that were passing by that just "happened" to have a cooler with some in it! During all of this, the other's around were telling me to speak to the men because I happened to be the only one who knew any spanish. ( mind you - I am NOT fluent by any means!!) I was in shock as it all started coming out of my mouth, things I haven't had to say for years. Thank the Lord for my 4 years in high school and all the opportunities since to use it! Soon the firemen and EMTs arrived, I asked if any spoke spanish thinking we could now get on the road. Well, none of them did, nor did the next group that arrived. The 2 troopers that arrived didn't either! They asked that I stay. One fireman told me to get right in front of the injured man to ask questions about his pain, medical history, and where all he was hurting. I found out he was diabetic which was for sure a necessary piece of information! As I kneeled in front of him and they began to look at his head I was silently praying as I saw bone sticking out of his skin and a gigantic gash across the center of his forehead. They began to cut his clothes off his body after he told me his ribs and side hurt. They realized he had a couple broken ribs and were worried he could or had punctured a lung because of his labored breathing. There were others around - one young man videoing the scene that the police asked to leave, along with anyone not directly involved in the crash. Again, they asked that I stay. Once they had the information they needed from the man bleeding I stepped aside. As I stood there I realized the Lord had put me right there at that exact time. I know He did because we could have been there before or way after, or there could have been others that were more fluent that me that could better communicate. He wanted to use me to minister - yes, I said minister! Being on a platform is just a "part" of ministry. We are all meant to be the light to the world - that's in the day to day appointed moments the Lord asks us to step up to the plate. Now, I didn't have an alter service right there lol- but I was there, willing to help and allow the Lord's grace (through my broken spanish) to flow from me. The other 3 men came asking me to help them tell the police what happened. I helped to communicate on both sides their information, the hospital their friend was going to, and explain what happened for us to all be there at that moment. One that I am still in shock took place! Thoughout the time I appologized to a couple firemen, the police and in spanish to the men that I was sorry for my limited remembrance of the language. It didn't seem to matter, what needed to be said was said and the Lord gets the glory! Once the vehicle was towed, and transportation, etc was determined for the other men, the police, firemen, and the men involved in the accident all thanked me for helping. The event happened so fast (even though we were there for about an hour), and once I got in the car I sat in shock at what I saw and had just experienced. I am so very humbled and grateful for the opportunity. Mostly I am thankful the Lord entrusted me with the chance to be obedient.

I feel it necessary to share this - NOT to boast in myself, but to challenge YOU. This isn't to say the long lost language classes you took years ago will now come in handy - although you never know. You have moments everyday the Lord would like to use you!. Maybe to be an encouragement to someone going through a tough time. Maybe to meet someone's need (not just saying you will pray for them, but if you have the capacity to meet their need, to actually do so).  Maybe to pray for someone, and really follow through, not just saying you will. God has called you to something greater than just going through life and "making" it. He asks us all to serve and it may come in ways you least expect - I know it did for me!  Just be willing.....

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